“Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way; on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.” -Jon Kabat-Zinn
It includes pausing, being aware - not just on auto-pilot, noticing when you are stuck in negativity about yourself or others, finding balance, creating moments of acceptance - not necessarily agreement or approval, and choosing wisely
Physicians that are ready to understand, recognize and manage their stress response, begin a path of self-reflection, live in the moment, communicate mindfully, discover their inner wisdom, and enhance their ability to be calm and connected
Practicing mindfulness can lead to enhanced well-being, sleep, concentration, and memory. It enhances focus and clarity despite the pressures of a busy day and supports an ability to approach problems in a fresh, open-minded way. The skills learned from mindfulness are able to counteract the worrying, perfectionism and self-judgment that are so common among doctors.
TLS Consulting offers mindfulness courses for medical groups that promote experiential learning and in-the-moment practicing of mindfulness, These courses allow healthcare professionals an opportunity to learn and utilize practical skills in order to cultivate well being, combat burnout, and manage their stress.
If you have a group or team that is interested in practicing and learning more about mindfulness and may also be interested in sharing this grounding practice with others we are here to help.
The mindfulness practices I learned were helpful; it definitely reminded me to listen to my body, be kind to myself and take time to enjoy the little things in life
.-Nurse, Bellevue, WA
I will try to keep/retain what I learned to apply to life. I wished our entire clinic could have this same experience (and my husband). - Manager of pediatric clinic, Bellevue, WA
I learned that I need to respect myself and to take care of my surroundings (i.e feelings, people in my circle, healthy conversations.)
- Nurse, Bellevue, WA
My mind is always racing and I sometimes have a hard time to filter through them. But I learned a lot to help re-center myself and relax. - Medical Assistant, Belleuve, WA
For (the) first time ever I was able to relax even for (a) few seconds, but it meant a lot to me. The time I spent in the class was about me for first time as I always think about my family. - Medical Assistant, Bellevue, WA
I see the value of just a little time dedicated to mindfulness in helping smooth interactions with both patients but also my own children. - Pediatrician, Bellevue, WA
I learned the importance of not letting your current emotional state overwhelm you
- Pediatrician, Bellevue, WA
I learned, it's okay to be kind to yourself. take a deep breath and focus on the problem at hand. Live for the moment. Think before speaking and try not to react emotionally.
- Pediatrician, Seattle, WA
I now practice mindfulness meditation as often as I can. - Pediatrician, Seattle, WA
I think my improved mental state and decreased level of burnout is making it possible for me to continue to be present for my patients. - Pediatrician, Seattle, WA
I learned to appreciate mindfulness, gratitude, slowing down, focusing, non-judgmental awareness of my thoughts and emotions. - Pediatrician, Seattle, WA
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